VRF Press Release
ESP Solutions Group, Inc. announced today the addition of the Vertical Reporting Framework (VRF) to its family of state reporting products, which includes State Report Manager (SRM), and EDFacts Shared State Solution (ES3). VRF was developed by Pearson, who is no longer supporting the software and is pleased to have ESP taking over its client states.
ESP now provides software and support for 13 state education agencies for state reporting, which encompasses collecting or reporting data from schools and districts to the state and/or from the state to the federal government. VRF and SRM exchange data using the Schools Interoperability Framework (SIF) standard as well as CSV files. ESP is committed to maintaining Pearson’s high level of support and maintenance for VRF. “With our three state reporting products and our growing number of client states, we are well positioned to continue to be not only the nation’s thought leaders for vertical reporting, but also the product leaders,” said Glynn Ligon, ESP’s founder and CEO.
ESP’s Vice President for Product Development, Jim Rife, will lead the team supporting VRF. Steve King, ESP’s Chief Architect, who has been on numerous SIF Boards since its founding, will continue to oversee the interoperability of all clients’ information systems for reporting data across levels of government.
For additional information about VRF or any other ESP products, email info@espsg.com or call 512-879-5300.
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