TEACHER TO TEACHER: Informing Decisions
(Click the poster for a full screen view)
ESP has created a new poster that helps anyone appreciate the complexities of an organization and work. As we all continue to gather insights for improving information systems, I’m asking for an opportunity to lead your staff in a lively discussion of lessons learned and their implications for improving systems and data use. Think of this as an overview of what people are doing and an opportunity to benchmark your progress and priorities.
This works best when your agency picks several key topics of highest interest. That way, if we have an expert with a special concentration in an area, I can bring or link that person in, too. This session isn’t a sales pitch, but a dialog about what’s happening in our industry. ESP does have products and services because that’s how we gained our expertise, but describing those is for another time only if you choose to ask. Just call this poster session continuing education for all of us.
“Data quality” and “writing reports that lead to action” are two topics updated for you in our newly launched series of white papers and twiminars (#ESPTwiminars on Twitter). These and other resources are listed on the back page of this letter. ESP has been in the position for years to gather insights into fundamental issues for education agencies about information management. We built the first two Race to the Top longitudinal data systems, we created data dictionaries for over half of the states, we visited every state more than once for NCES, and we’ve paid attention to what’s happening.
Our first poster, “A Technology Framework for No Child Left Behind,” was included in Secretary Rod Paige’s guidance to states. “Secretary to Secretary” has been popular for years as an illustration of interoperability of systems from schools to the Federal government. Now with “Teacher to Teacher,” we are focusing on the process of supporting data-driven decision making from question forming to action taking. Each poster is simply a way to guide discussion of best practices. I hope we can have one of those sessions together soon.
To get more information about one of these “Teacher to Teacher: Informing Decisions” sessions, contact Glynn Ligon aat gligon@espsg.com or call 512-879-5345.
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