EdData Insights

Following ESP’s motto of “Extraordinary Insight,” these brief suggestions, tips, findings, best practices, and hints suggest greater value to the person who follows the link provided.


National Education Data Standardization Efforts – The Role of Data Standards in Data Driven Decision Support

We have seen education data standards evolve over the years.  Dr. Barbara Clements provides her historical perspective on their genesis and significance in this Journal while ESP continues to update entries.  This publication is written to provide a brief introduction to each of the historical data standards and events. What distinguishes ESP’s perspective on this topic is a focus on decisions—the use of data to improve the learning process for students.  Click here to read the ESP Journal.

De-Mystifying De-Identification

If you manage or use an education database and are concerned about confidentiality, read this paper. There’s no need for extreme measures that remove too much personal information from all of our databases. Polititech decisions can support official reporting, research, FOI requests, and FERPA/HIPAA.